Pending Payment:
Your order has been created but not yet paid. This status means that the order is waiting for payment confirmation.
Your order has been paid and is currently being processed. This means that your items are being prepared and will be shipped soon.
On Hold:
Your order is on hold due to a need for additional information or an issue with payment. Your order will not be processed until this hold is resolved.
Your order has been completed and shipped. This means that everything has been taken care of, and your items are on their way to you.
Your order has been cancelled and will not be processed. This could be due to a cancellation request or an issue preventing fulfillment.
Your order has been refunded, and the amount you paid has been returned to you. This could be due to a cancellation or a return.
Your order has failed due to a payment issue. Please check your payment details and try again. If you need assistance, we are here to help.